Record-breaking entries flood 2024 Commonwealth Short Story Prize

The 2024 Commonwealth Short Story Prize witnessed an unprecedented surge in participation, closing on November 1st with an astounding 7,359 submissions. 

In an email to writers who sent in entries, the Commonwealth Foundation expressed gratitude for the dedication and creativity exhibited by writers worldwide, recognising the profound effort invested in crafting entries for the prestigious literary prize.

“The desire to share stories in the Commonwealth has never been stronger,” the emails stated.

This year’s submissions unfolded a tapestry of genres, spanning from crime to romance, and even venturing into the realms of comic fiction. However, it was speculative fiction that took centre stage, signalling a collective eagerness to explore and reimagine our world, embracing new and uncharted possibilities, it added.

The inclusive nature of the prize was highlighted as it brought together writers from diverse corners of the globe – from the Caribbean to Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Pacific islands. Notably, there was a marked increase in entries from Pakistan, Rwanda and the Solomon Islands, demonstrating a growing representation from regions that traditionally might have been underrepresented.

Also, according to the foundation, a groundbreaking development this year was the incorporation of Maltese language entries, resulting in a remarkable fourfold increase in submissions from Malta. This cultural expansion further emphasises the prize’s commitment to fostering literary diversity and embracing linguistic richness.

Enthusiastic participants are encouraged to share their experiences using the hashtag #CWprize, inviting a global dialogue on the joys and challenges of the creative writing process. The initiative aims to unite writers on platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, fostering a sense of community within this vast network of storytellers.

As the judging process commences, all eyes are now set on the eagerly anticipated shortlist announcement scheduled for April 2024. The Short Story Prize team promises to keep participants informed and engaged throughout this literary journey, ensuring that every entrant remains connected to the pulse of this vibrant global competition.

With a heartfelt sign-off, the Commonwealth Short Story Prize team extends their best wishes to all participants, affirming their commitment to celebrating cultural narratives and fostering a rich tapestry of global literary voices. The Commonwealth Short Story Prize stands as a testament to the shared passion for storytelling that transcends borders and unites writers from every corner of the world.

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