Favourite book ever– ‘The House of the Spirits’ by Isabel Allende Why? – It’s a lyrical, magical, and beautiful story....
I'd probably take Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani's I Do Not Come to You By Chance.
1. Favourite book ever – Zarah the Windseeker by Nnedi Okorafor 2. Why? Because it changed my worldview about modern...
1. Favourite book ever – I have no favourite book. However, I love Wole Soyinka’s ‘You Must Set Forth at...
1. Favourite book ever. I keep changing my mind. Perhaps a short story collection by Alice Munro 2. Why? Her short stories...
1. Favourite book ever – The Bible. 2. Why? It is an inexhaustible, multi-form treasure of a book–an anthology featuring numerous authors, containing heady verse, parables, cautionary...
when I read it when I was younger, I wasn't old enough to understand and appreciate some of the conversations in it, but I think I would now
1. Favourite book ever ‘The Kingdom of This World’ by Alejo Carpentier. 2. Why? The perfect encapsulation of the Yoruba world in the...
1. Favourite book ever: lots of them 2. Why?: I love the prose-poetry in ‘We Need New Names’ by NoViolet...
1. Favourite book ever: – I can’t say, different books excite me for different reasons. 2. Why?: – I’m a promiscuous reader. 3. Last book read?: -The...
1. Favourite book ever: Song of Solomon (Toni Morrison) 2. Why? It’s magical and I always go back to it. 3. Last book read? Things are Good Now (Djamila Ibrahim)...
1. Favourite book ever – ‘The Corrections’ by Jonathan Frantzen on par with ‘Ghana Must Go’ by Taiye Selasi. 2. ...