Jason Momoa, known for his roles in Aquaman and Game of Thrones, has confirmed his new relationship with Puerto Rican...
Jack Black is joining the pixelated party in the upcoming live-action “Minecraft” movie. He’ll be teaming up with Jason Momoa...
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom emerged as the leader, raking in an estimated $28.1 million in its first three days...
Aquaman fans can now mark their calendars as the highly anticipated sequel to the 2018 hit movie is set to...
First reviews for “Fast X”, the 10th Fast and Furious movie, whose release date is near are here and promising...
Warner Bros has announced a release date for the upcoming “Minecraft” film which will star Jason Momoa. Set to be...
Jason Momoa was spotted delivering a Christmas tree to his ex’s house is his latest show of family love and...
Jason Momoa has set the record straight amid speculation he and fellow actor Kate Beckinsale are an item, Huff Post...
MGM has won an auction for an untitled buddy comedy action pitch that will pair Jason Momoa with Dave Bautista,...