Dua Lipa is set to dazzle audiences in the upcoming spy comedy blockbuster, “Argylle.” The movie’s recently released trailer unveils...
In a recent appearance on Kevin Hart’s Hart to Heart show, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson opened up about his disappointment...
Guy Ritchie’s next film, a big-budget action-movie, which will revolve around two extraction specialists who must plan an escape path...
The first teaser for “Ghosted” in which Ana de Armas plays Sadie, a secret CIA agent who has an amazing...
There’s more star power on board for Guy Ritchie and Jerry Bruckheimer’s new war movie, “The Ministry Of Ungentlemanly Warfare”,...
James Gunn, the head of Worlds of DC, has addressed the rumours that Gal Gadot is no longer playing Wonder...
Henry Cavill may have made a cameo as Superman in Black Adam but Dwayne Johnson, who is celebrating the success...
Henry Cavill is officially resuming his role as Superman after years of speculation. After returning for the mid-credits scene in...
Will a “Man of Steel 2” come to a theatre near you anytime soon? That is the question. According to...
Halle Berry has opened up about feeling guilty over the failure of the widely panned superhero film Catwoman. In the...
Henry Cavill has said that he would “absolutely love the opportunity” to play Superman again, as he believes there’s much...
Zack Snyder has said he is all here for the upcoming Superman reboot that will star a Black actor in...