With over 60 movies and special events, this series tells the history of how they told their stories, both overtly...
Every year since 2017, Accelerate TV, through the Accelerate Filmmaker Project, trains, empowers and gives young filmmakers a platform to...
The decision by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in November to disqualify Genevieve Nnaji’s “Lionheart” from the...
The iamAFRICA Short Film, One of the most prestigious competitions in Africa, has recently been announced. A collaboration between The...
50-year-old American actor, Will Smith, is set to star in an upcoming Netflix film titled ‘The Council’ In the upcoming...
The movies, ‘The Delivery Boy’ and ‘King of Boys’ snagged the most nominations for the 2019 Africa Movie Academy Awards....
Good things always happen to those who wait. Congratulations to our very own Joel Kachi Benson for winning The Lion...
‘Daughters of Chibok,’ Joel Kachi Benson’s first Virtual Reality film is screening at the 76th Venice International Film Festival. The...
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