1. Favourite book ever: There’s 2 of them, both very similar genres – Ogboju Ode Ninu Igbo Irumole by D.O Fagunwa and The Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R Tolkien.
2. Why?: I’m a big fan of world building, legendarium and fantastical creatures woven into a well told story.
3. Last book read?: Soldiers of Fortune: The Abacha Years by Max Siollun
4. Packing for a journey and allowed to take one book. What will it be?: My copy of The History of the Yoruba by Reverend Samuel Johnson
5. Why?: It’s the best written work of Yoruba history I’ve seen and the stories of actual people in it are to die for.
6. Who is your favourite author/writer?: J.R.R Tolkien
7. Do you think Nigerians read?: I’m absolutely convinced they do. When you tell the stories that interest them and in which they can find themselves.