Lana Del Rey’s Glastonbury mic cut off after late arrival

Lana Del Rey’s performance at the Glastonbury music festival was cut short after her microphone was cut off due to her being 30 minutes late on stage, according to reports. 

The singer reportedly turned up late because her hair and makeup took longer than expected. Fans were disappointed and booed the singer after her late arrival. A video of Lana Del Rey being escorted off stage by security has since gone viral online.

The incident occurred when the power to her microphone was cut off due to the festival’s curfew resulting in the singer being escorted off stage by security. 

Fans have expressed their disappointment on social media, with many saying they were devastated after her set was cut short.

Lana Del Rey is known for her unique voice and has a large following of fans. Her late arrival and subsequent mic cut off at Glastonbury has consequently caused disappointment among her fans and has been widely reported in the media.

As of now, there has been no official statement from Lana Del Rey regarding the incident and it remains to be seen if she will address the incident publicly in the future.


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