The Academy’s chief executive, Bill Kramer, has reacted to Chris Rock’s scathing comments in his recent Netflix special, in which...
One year is a long time to hold a grudge but it appears that in the matter between Chris Rock...
Chris Rock will finally strike back at Will Smith over his Oscars slap – a week before this year’s Academy...
Movie and theatre producer John Hart is reportedly being sued by Lava Media for allegedly wrongfully trying to block the...
Tope Oshin’s latest film, Here Love Lies, shot on location in Nigeria and America will make its Netflix debut on...
Idris Elba has ruled himself out of playing James Bond so he can focus on his deal with Netflix, where...
Netflix Originals prides itself on its cultural relevance, star studded casts, and most importantly, ability to create a comfortable and...
Global streaming service, Netflix, on Friday said it had invested N9 billion in the Nigeria film industry from year 2016...
Netflix, Realness Institute open submission for Episodic Lab, Development Executive Traineeship 2023
The Realness Institute in partnership with Netflix, the world’s leading entertainment streaming service, has opened calls for submissions to its...
Netflix has unveiled the official trailer for Kunle Afolayan’s epic film Anikulapo. Set for release on 30 September 2022 it...
The light dimmed. The camera stopped. And action ceased days ago for Biyi Bandele. All of a sudden. But years...
Elesin Oba, The King’s Horseman is set to premiere on September 10 on the streaming platform, Netflix as well as...