Tyler Perry’s latest feature film on Neftlix, “A Fall from Grace”, follows one of his obsessions—the suffering black woman. His...
Queen Sono, an African original series commissioned by Netflix, is due out in February Queen Sono, an African original series...
The adjective sweet is rarely used to describe cinema, but it best defines the experience that is the first act...
Lupita Nyong’o is always a delight to see on the red carpet. Whether she is stealing the spotlight in head-turning...
Go behind the scenes with Lupita Nyong’o on the set of her cover shoot for the February issue of British...
The London-born Berlin-based DJ has released a new documentary. Entitled Assurance, the documentary explores the Lagosian music scene and its...
This morning, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences revealed its shortlist for the 92nd annual Oscars, with John...
Distrib Films has acquired U.S. rights to Mounia Meddour’s debut feature “Papicha” which world premiered at Cannes in Un Certain...
“There is no film Kunle shoots that he doesnt give me the script to go through. So, it’s not true...
CaribbeanTales Media Group, California Pictures and Imagine Media International announce the screening of their feature film HERO: Inspired by The...
King of Boys was one of the biggest Nollywood movies in 2018. Featuring an impressive performance from Sola Sobowale, the...
For the first time, ‘The 600’ one of the Rwandese movies based on real events of military’s third battalion of...