Tems has made a captivating return to the music scene with her latest single, “Me & U,” following a hiatus...
Simbiatu “Simbi” Abisola Abiola Ajikawo, widely known by her stage name Little Simz, is making waves on both sides of...
Rapper and lyrical genius Logic has resurfaced with a groundbreaking gift for fans after a decade-long hiatus from free mixtapes....
Tk-Swag has unleashed his latest album, More Out of Life, challenging the boundaries of alternative hip-hop and R&B. This fearless...
Hip-hop icon Nas celebrated his 50th birthday in style, and it was a star-studded affair to remember. The lavish event,...
Beyoncé and Kendrick Lamar have teamed up on the remix of the song “America Has a Problem”, which is the...
Roskilde Festival, which is to be headlined by Rosalía, Kendrick Lamar, Blur and more, has added over 100 names including...
Tems cemented her place in history as the first female Nigerian artiste to receive a win at the 2023 Grammys...
Taylor Swift, Kendrick Lamar, and Sam Smith were among the winners at the 2023 Grammys on the night of Sunday,...
Dr. Dre is set to be wealthier by $200 million after he closes the deal on the sale of some...
Former President Barack Obama’s 2022 playlist, which comprises songs from Beyoncé, Lizzo, Kendrick Lamar and more, also features those by...
Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre have collaborated on a new album called “Missionary.” This is their first new music together...