Victoria Monét, the acclaimed three-time Grammy winner, is set to embark on a new literary journey with the release of...
Mariah Carey, renowned as the Queen of Christmas, is spreading holiday joy with a special offer on her enchanting children’s...
Cedella Marley, the eldest child of the legendary Bob Marley, continues to honour her father’s legacy by announcing the upcoming...
In a heartwarming tale of love, loss, and the healing power of nature, plant stylist and consultant Maryah Greene has...
Award winning child author Makenzie Lee Foster has penned her second book titled ‘Kickin’ It With Kenzie: Luckily My Luck...
Back in the day, parents and caregivers didn’t always have help and advice on how to teach children and teens...
Jude Idada’s Boom Boom has won the Nigeria Prize for Literature, sponsored by Nigeria LNG Limited, for the 2019 cycle on Children’s...