SZA shares message of kindness and self-care for 2024

Singer SZA is entering the new year with a message of reflection and empathy. Following a record-breaking year, she took to Twitter to share her thoughts on fame, personal boundaries, and navigating relationships in 2024.

“I don’t meditate and stuff to be better than anyone,” she wrote, “I do it to keep from beating ass.” This blunt statement underscores the pressure and challenges celebrities face while advocating for personal space and respect.

SZA further emphasised the importance of kindness in her follow-up tweet: “Bruh everybody human everybody feels. Everybody has a right to beat Cho ass upon being disrespected so let’s be kind to another unless u can fight in 2024 ok?” This playful yet poignant message underscores the need for mutual understanding and respect, even when faced with negativity.

Despite her success, SZA remains grounded in her introverted nature. “I hate being perceived,” she confessed. “I don’t want to party. I don’t want anybody to really look at me.” This statement challenges the stereotypical image of celebrities and highlights the importance of respecting individual boundaries, even for those in the spotlight.

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