Salman Rushdie says AI only poses threat to unoriginal writers

Salman Rushdie has voiced concerns about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) tools on the literary world, particularly for writers of thrillers and science fiction genres, per

Citing a recent article published in the French journal La Nouvelle Revue Francaise (NRF) on Thursday, the outlet writes that Rushdie highlighted the potential threat posed by AI-generated content.

Rushdie conducted an experiment where he asked an AI tool, ChatGPT, to imitate his writing style by producing 200 words. Disappointed with the results, Rushdie described the output as “a bunch of nonsense” that lacked originality and humour characteristic of his work.

Rushdie. (Image: Kai Pfaffenbach)

While acknowledging AI’s limitations in mimicking serious novelists like himself, Rushdie warned that AI’s rapid learning capabilities could challenge formulaic writers, especially in genres where originality is less critical, such as thrillers and science fiction. He also raised concerns about the potential use of AI in drafting screenplays for Hollywood productions, noting the industry’s tendency to recycle ideas.

Rushdie’s critique, according to the platform, reflects broader debates within the literary and entertainment communities regarding the intersection of AI technology and creative expression. Despite AI’s advancements, Rushdie’s observations underscore the unique qualities that human writers bring to storytelling, emphasising the ongoing relevance of human creativity in literature and entertainment.

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