Kenny Blaq premieres comedy special on Netflix

In My Room, a Netflix comedy special by Kehinde Peter Otolorin, popularly known as Kenny Blaq, is set to air on the streaming service.

The first-ever for the 27-year-old Nigerian comedian, it will be released on Wednesday, November 17, 2021.

Ahead of the release on Netflix, Kennyblaq’s Unic Made Entertainment in collaboration with Blue Pictures Distribution Limited will host a premiere at Blue Cinemas, Onikan, Lagos on the announced release date.

The hilarious production will be streamed to audiences cutting across different demographics and launching the comedian to regions such as the rest of Africa, the United Kingdom, and Canada.

In My Room is a one-man show, as the comedian and singer, Kenny Blaq reflects on a year spent indoors amid COVID-19, riffling on airport customs, his love life and more.

There is no doubt that Kenny Blaq has blazed the trail opening a huge door of possibilities for other home-based comedians with this special.

Kenny Blaq has established a solid reputation as one of most authentic creative within the ecosystem.

Kenny Blaq has established a reputation as one of the few touch-bearers of the sub-genre known as music-comedy with his award-winning show, The Oxymoron of Kenny Blaq after over 10 years of building his brand.

“I’m elated that the test shoot has now been licensed exclusively by Netflix. I would like people to watch it and share their feedback with me.

“First, they should navigate to ‘Coming Soon’ section on Netflix, scroll down till they see In My Room.

“Click on the ‘Remind Me Button’ and spread the love by passing this on to others. I would be counting on the support of my fans to make a big splash,” Kenny Blaq said.

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