Ed Sheeran inspires young musicians with surprise school visit

Ed Sheeran made an unexpected appearance at Fairlight Primary School in Brighton, UK, on May 10, thrilling students and staff alike, per people.com. Organised in collaboration with Create Music, an organisation dedicated to arts education, the 33-year-old Grammy-winning superstar’s visit featured live performances, interactive music lessons and a Q&A session with the children. 

During his time at the school, Sheeran performed some of his biggest hits, including “Shape of You,” “Perfect,” and “Bad Habits.” He also donated five guitars to the school, aiming to support and inspire the next generation of musicians.

“Ed Sheeran coming to Fairlight Primary School isn’t an everyday thing, despite me claiming he was one of my celebrity mates! He was amazing with everyone he met — interested in them, chatting to them, and he was very humble,” said headteacher Damien Jordan in a statement. 

Jordan highlighted Sheeran’s connection with the students, sharing that the singer took the time to listen and encourage them, drawing parallels between his own school struggles and the solace he found in music. Sheeran even joined the students in a lesson, learning to play Queen’s “We Will Rock You” on the glockenspiel, which he reportedly enjoyed immensely.

“The children left school telling their parents all about it, and no one believed them,” added Jordan. “But it was 100% true — you had to be there to believe it.”

Peter Chivers, director of Create Music, expressed gratitude for Sheeran’s visit and his generous donation, noting the significant impact it would have on the students.

This visit is part of Sheeran’s ongoing efforts to support young musicians. In July 2023, he surprised the Boston Music Project Youth Group, performing with young musicians and gifting a signed guitar. Sheeran’s consistent engagement with youth music groups underscores his commitment to nurturing musical talent and inspiring young artistes.

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