Winners announced for inaugural Martha Mills Writing Prize

The London Review Bookshop has announced the winners of the inaugural Martha Mills Young Writers’ Prize, an award for young writers aged between 11 and 14. 

Launched in memory of Martha Mills, the daughter of Merope Mills, editor of the Guardian’s Saturday magazine, and Paul Laity, an editor at the London Review of Books (LRB), who died in 2021, the prize aims to encourage young people to write “lively, unusual or otherwise original” pieces, and offers them the chance to have their work published. The judging panel for the inaugural year included Mills and Laity, along with Gayle Lazda from the London Review Bookshop and the acclaimed writer Katherine Rundell.

Over 1,000 entries were received for the prize, and the three winners were announced as Izzy Cooper, Flynn Alexander Hampson and Mabel Swift. Each winner will receive £200 and a selection of books. 

The judges praised the quality of the entries, and expressed their hope that the prize will inspire young people to continue writing and exploring their creativity.

The Martha Mills Young Writers’ Prize is an important new addition to the literary landscape, and its inaugural winners are a testament to the talent and creativity of young writers today. The prize is a wonderful opportunity for young people to showcase their writing skills and to be recognized for their hard work and dedication. 

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