Architectural thinking has a rich tradition of being bound to writing. Be it the vāstu śāstra, the Seven Lamps by...
Toni Kan: Your name is… Jennifer Makumbi: My name is Jennifer Makumbi and I have written two books so far,...
“Guilty” by Joan Wawira Thatiah is on the shortlist of 15 for this year’s #QuramoWritersPrize Excerpt from Chapter 9 “I...
‘“Deep Ocean” by Obinna Tony-Francis Ochem makes the shortlist of 15 for this year’s #QuramoWritersPrize Read the excerpt of the...
The judges met recently to decide on the four new Morland Writing Scholars for 2019. This was another record year...
Toni Kan, co-founder of and award winning author of Nights of the Creaking Bed has been shortlisted for The...
ArabLit Quarterly’s Fall/Winter 2019 issue, The Eye, is now open for submissions. They are looking for eye-themed writing, which means:...
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