Kemi Adetiba’s first feature length film, King of Boys, aired on Netflix yesterday and social media was abuzz with praise...
The Delivery Boy delivers 12 Nominations at AMAA 2019 There is a pivotal point in movie making where you realize...
There is a pivotal point in movie making where you realize that you have stumbled on a goldmine. The Movie,...
Following the HBO Max planned adaptation of Chimamanda Adichie’s book ‘Americanah’, you would think that Nigerians would be excited and...
In Mokalik, a middle class father takes his not-so-serious son to a mechanic workshop, to show him what his future will...
Photo credit: Fred R. Conrad It’s a rainy day for all true John Grisham fans as they just recorded a...
I honestly have more
questions than answers. And if that's what a good movie does , then the movie was good
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