Jason Blum’s Blumhouse Productions, which generated a horror hit with “The Invisible Man,” has launched development of an untitled Dracula...
Despite fears that coronavirus could impact moviegoing across the globe, Disney’s “Mulan” is expected to pull off solid opening weekend ticket...
Apple TV Plus gets into the movie game with a historical finance caper starring Anthony Mackie and Samuel L. Jackson...
The Good Husband, a Nigerian movie which explores the challenges that comes with marriages will hit the cinemas in Nigeria...
“Queen Sono,” Netflix’s first African original series premiered on Thursday, and it was a moment, the making of history. “Queen...
Big Brother Naija 2019 housemate Diane Russet has released a film titled “Bayi,” which features Mariam Kayode, Sir Dee, Tope...
African cinema is diverse. African cinema crosses genres, social issues, economic development and conflict resolution. The North Carolina African Film...
The entire gang of “Friends”, the popular TV series of the 90s is coming back for a special! Variety shared...
The award-winning Lillian Afegbai is about to prove her production prowess once again, with her exciting first movie of the...
LOCAL film Gonarezhou has been nominated for the Best First Feature Narrative award at the 28th edition of the Pan...
The South African crime show stars Pearl Thusi (“Quantico”) as a specialist handling perilous crucial Netflix has discharged a trailer...
Issa Rae co-stars in two romantic movies with leading men of color this year: “The Photograph,” a drama with Lakeith...