Universal Pictures has revealed that Christopher Nolan’s next directorial venture will be an ambitious adaptation of Homer’s The Odyssey, featuring...
Director John Krasinski’s fantasy-comedy IF had a modest opening weekend, earning $35 million at the box office, slightly below its...
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck have revealed that their next project will be a crime thriller for Netflix titled “Animals”....
Matt Damon recently opened up about his experience working on a film that he knew was going to be a...
Christopher Nolan’s highly anticipated historical drama, Oppenheimer, had its first public audience at its Paris premiere, generating excitement and positive...
Christopher Nolan movies hardly need talking up. The director remains one of the few filmmakers capable of opening a film...
Historian Kai Bird, co-author of the 2005 book that inspired Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer”, has shared his thoughts about the upcoming...
Cormac McCarthy, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Road and No Country for Old Men, has died aged 89, according...
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck got married for the second time Saturday in an extravagant, star-studded ceremony at the “Gone...