The show is called N*Gen (pronounced “engine), or Next Generation Television. N*Gen first aired on Ugandan TV in September —...
In this video, Kenyan Afro-pop band Sauti Sol deliver a virtual live performance of their new album “Midnight Train“. Let...
Kenyan afro-pop group and MTV Music Africa award winners, Sauti Sol have joined the league of entertainers with their reality...
i When Sauti Sol’s Suzanna came up on my YouTube Music playlist a couple of weeks ago, I was completely oblivious of...
“I am Samuel“, a film by Kenyan director and 2019 Rory Peck Award winner, Pete Murimi will have its U.S....
One year ago today, Kenyan writer and satirist Binyavanga Wainaina went to be with the ancestors. Towards the evening of...
Kenyan Music Group Wanavokali are the winners of the first season of Old Mutual’s Amazing Voices singing competition that went...
Conservation organization WildlifeDirect argues a music festival planned for Hells’ Gate National Park will further disturb vulnerable raptors and other...
Wanuri Kahiu will be directing her first Hollywood movie under Gotham Group Advertising – The movie titled The Black Kids...
Universal Music Africa (UMA), a division of Universal Music Group (UMG), has signed Kenyan Afro-Pop band, Sauti Sol to an...
Christine Kamau will play at the 2020 edition of Festival Afropolitain Nomade. Kamau will be one of 40 acts from...
People dropped their jaws recently when American rapper T.I. released the slips on his upcoming collaboration with Nasty C and...