A transformative theatrical experience is set to blaze onto the scene as “Firestarter: The Musical” premieres at Terra Kulture Arena...
Theatre in the Mill, Bradford University will be among three other venues Mr. Kenneth Uphopho’s Esther’s Revenge, a SoHo Playhouse...
Esther’s Revenge, a gripping play that first captivated audiences at the Brighton Fringe in 2023, has now found its home...
Beeta Universal Arts Foundation, a trailblasing organisation committed to nurturing the Arts in Nigeria and Africa, has unveiled the highly...
Returning for a third time, the Abuja Fringe is aiming at exploring ‘new narratives’ in the Nigerian creative space. According...
If the 2022 Beeta Playwright Competition, organised by the Bikiya Graham-Douglas-led Beeta Universal Arts Foundation (BUAF), were a contest for...
It was as magical as it had been anticipated. All the stars were present. And there was a lot to...
The Lagos Fringe Festival 2021 has opened at the Freedom Park, Broad Street, Lagos with enlightening workshops, thrilling film screenings,...
Lagos Fringe 2021 is gearing up for a hybrid multidisciplinary arts experience again this year to engage participants, arts lovers,...