Alex Pausides' poem was poignant and evocative - "When I am silent, it is not that words are lacking" while Edelmis Anocento confeɔronted change and viccissitudes with "I build my house with autumn leaves/From last year's death gasp."
Temi's big-yansh-quest announcement, you will discover, is a tool the author uses to get the other women in the book to reflect on their own lives and following these reflections, scandals and secrets leap off their cupboards, regrets cloud their faces and remorse dons modest apparels.
The makers of Water and Garri are familiar with the Nollywood filmmaking play book: choose a topical subject matter, cast a popular and /or beautiful face(s), then spice up the footage with beautiful scenery. Eureka! You have a film.
1 Japa is to slough off the skin To learn to swim upstream Mouth open and panting like fish Because... is seeking insightful, poignant, detailed, and well-written essays in which the writer expresses his/her/their motive for relocation or migration and the effect of that movement on their craft.