Gal Gadot disclosed her harrowing battle with a life-threatening brain condition during her recent pregnancy in a powerful revelation that...
Disney has released the first teaser trailer for its live-action adaptation of the beloved 1937 animated classic, “Snow White and...
James Gunn, the head of Worlds of DC, has addressed the rumours that Gal Gadot is no longer playing Wonder...
Gal Gadot is talking about her upcoming Cleopatra film, after the announcement received mixed reactions, according to reports. Set to...
Wonder Woman‘s Patty Jenkins will no longer be directing Gal Gadot in upcoming biopic Cleopatra, Digital Spy reports. Citing a...
Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot has given an update on the upcoming third movie in the series and revealed a...
Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot is in final negotiations to play the Evil Queen in Disney’s new remake of Snow...
Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot has received a backlash online over her tweet about the escalation of violence in Israel...