Cowater has unleashed his highly anticipated EP, “101” in a groundbreaking debut that’s set to redefine the Afro-Fusion landscape. Born...
Bims has unveiled his highly anticipated EP, Unorthodox, a captivating exploration of love, life, and personal experiences. Hailing from a...
Spotify announced that it paid out over N25 billion in royalties to Nigerian musicians in 2023. This staggering figure represents...
FirstKlaz is taking the industry by storm with his innovative fusion of Afrobeat and traditional Fuji, creating a distinctive and...
“FUJI: A Opera” is an original stage production which deconstructs the fuji music genre from its enigmatic past and reimagines...
Barry Jhay, son of fuji godfather, Alhaji (Dr.) Sikiru Ayinde Barrister, has finally dropped his debut project Barry Back. It...
There is a noticeable streak to be seen in the names of two of Nigeria’s trending Afrobeats stars. Zlatan Ibile,...