In the heart of Johannesburg, a city historically defined by golden dreams and interconnected narratives, the seventh Joburg Film Festival...
Hay Festival Global has announced the final selection for The Platform, an initiative aimed at promoting and supporting emerging talent...
Otobong Nkanga, Nigerian-born Antwerp-based artist has left Mendes Wood DM to join the roster at Lisson Gallery, attributing the move...
Get ready for a drama like no other. “Dwindle“, a forthcoming film directed by Kayode Kasum and Dare E. Olaitan...
The Tribeca Festival will return as an in-person event, a hopeful sign that coronavirus may be loosening its grip on...
I wrapped up shoot for my new film, Other Side of History, recently. It is set between 1954 and 1960....
The Berlin Film Festival, one of the world’s leading gathering points for the international film industry, is set to radically...
If you are a filmmaker and shorts is your preferred film expression, then this is for you. The Final Deadline...
As Kenneth Gyang’s new feature, Oloture, makes its Netflix premiere on October 2, we take you way back to 2013...
The Universal Movie Awards (UNIMAA) is an annual international reputable Award. The event is based in the Western State of...
Genevieve Nnaji who has carved a niche for herself in Nollywood and Hollywood too has added another feather in her...
The 10th edition of the Bengaluru International Short Film Festival (BISFF) is going digital, due to the pandemic, but that...