Charles Okocha, widely known as Mr Phenomenal, has unleashed his latest musical sensation “Steeze,” a high-energy track that promises to...
Richard Franklin, acclaimed for his role as Captain Mike Yates, has passed away at the age of 87. The renowned...
The British Council has announced the eagerly awaited Lagos Creative Showcase Programme. According to an email by the British Council’s...
Russell Banks, an award-winning fiction writer, has died at the age of 82. Banks, a professor emeritus at Princeton University,...
The creative industry is affectionately referred to as the showbiz (show business) industry and for good reason mostly on account...
In recognition of the strategic importance of the entertainment and creative sector in growing the Nigerian economy, the Buhari administration...
Kenneth Branagh has been tapped to direct the upcoming Bee Gees biopic for Paramount Pictures. The movie will center on...
China’s top law-making body will consider this week a popular proposition to ban actors who have used drugs from entertainment...
The Hollywood Foreign Press Association members who vote on the Golden Globes may be under scrutiny, but the 2021 ceremony...
For NPR Music’s Tiny Desk series which celebrates Black History Month, Davido and other Black artists delivered electrifying performance on...
Avance Media has announced finalists for the 5th edition of its annual ranking focused on young people, dubbed: 100 Most...
Oscar-, Golden Globe- and four-time Emmy-winner Regina King is set to star in and produce “Shirley,” the feature film biopic...