Mati Diop’s documentary Dahomey triumphed at the Berlin International Film Festival, clinching the prestigious Golden Bear award, per The...
Mati Diop premiered her latest documentary, Dahomey, at the Berlin Film Festival, shedding light on the restitution of African artefacts...
AfroBerlin 2024, a collaboration between Yanibes and the European Film Market (EFM), promises to be a milestone event during the...
The European Film Market, which runs alongside the Berlin Film Festival, will be held online for the second consecutive year...
As the weather darkens and the leaves begin to shed off the trees, two things become clear, winter is on...
The Berlin Film Festival, one of the world’s leading gathering points for the international film industry, is set to radically...
‘Eyimofe,’ a Nigerian movie meaning (this is my desire), has been selected for world premiere at the 70th Berlin International...