Ben Affleck Tuesday raced to the aid of his ex-wife Jennifer Garner and their three children as devastating wildfires threatened...
Jennifer Lopez’s highly anticipated “This Is Me…Now” tour is undergoing significant changes after facing challenges with ticket sales, per
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck have revealed that their next project will be a crime thriller for Netflix titled “Animals”....
Jennifer Lopez has said that her upcoming album is inspired by her rekindled romance with her longtime partner and now-husband...
Ben Affleck is going viral on social media after an interview he did in Spanish with the outlet Cadena SER,...
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck got married for the second time Saturday in an extravagant, star-studded ceremony at the “Gone...
Celebrity life coach and big-time podcaster Jay Shetty is expected to officiate the wedding between Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck...
Ben Affleck is hurting he says because his confessional blaming his doomed marriage to Jennifer Garner for his alcoholism are...