Jasleen Kaur, the youngest nominee on this year’s Turner Prize shortlist, has clinched the prestigious award with her extraordinary exhibition...
In a striking pivot from her Hollywood career, actress Kate Capshaw has found her true calling behind a paintbrush, transforming...
Nairobi, often called “the green city in the sun,” is a study in contrasts. While its wealthier neighbourhoods boast lush...
The Sokoto Book and Arts Festival (SOBAFest) has officially unveiled the theme and dates for its 2024 edition, promising an...
I'm more concerned about my message. The message determines my approach. I'm just a vessel. A channel of communication. All Artists have the same materials. Our personalities make the difference in our works.
As the calendar inches closer to April 14, 2024, art enthusiasts are reminded of the fleeting opportunity to witness El...
The vibrant celebration of art and culture at the Lagos Biennial 2024 is drawing to a close with a lineup...
Teju Cole’s latest novel, Tremor, delves into the complex interplay between art, history and identity, leaving readers to ponder the...
Sokoto Book and Arts Festival (SOBAFest) is back and ready to make waves in the world of literature, art and...
Narrative Landscape Press, an independent publishing firm specialising in fiction, non-fiction, memoirs and children’s books, will curate the “Local Culture...
In a world where the power of visuals often transcends words, Nikkolas Smith, renowned illustrator of notable works like The...
On Thursday June 9th, 2022 Rele art gallery hosted the first in it’s planned series of Art Appreciation Programmes at...