SMC Filmmakers’ Forum to address rights protection in Nigerian film industry

The Nollywood Studies Centre at the School of Media and Communication (SMC), Pan-Atlantic University, is set to host a pivotal event aimed at addressing the establishment and protection of rights in the Nigerian film industry. 

The forum, scheduled for May 25, 2024, from 11 am to 1 pm, will feature prominent industry figures and legal experts discussing the critical issues surrounding intellectual property and copyright within Nigeria’s burgeoning film sector.

The panel will include Mahmood Ali-Balogun, chairman of the Audio-Visual Rights Society of Nigeria, who will bring his extensive experience in protecting filmmakers’ rights. Isioma Idigbe, Head of the Media & Entertainment Practice Group at Punuka Attorneys & Solicitors, will provide insights into the legal frameworks and challenges faced by the industry. Beverley Agbakoba-Onyejianya, Head of the Sports, Entertainment, and Tech practice at Olisa Agbakoba Legal, will offer a broader perspective on how entertainment law intersects with other sectors. 

Additionally, Charles Amudipe, Deputy Director of Operations at the Nigerian Copyright Commission (NCC), will discuss enforcement and regulatory measures to safeguard creators’ rights.

Participants can join the discussion virtually with registration available through the SMC website

As Nollywood continues to expand its global footprint, the forum aims to tackle prevalent issues such as copyright infringement, distribution rights and royalty payments. A significant focus will be placed on the importance of understanding and respecting contracts, an area often overlooked but vital for the industry’s sustainable growth.

The forum will delve into the existing legal framework that governs intellectual property rights and copyright laws in Nigeria. Participants will gain insights into the crucial role of collective management organisations in ensuring that creators receive fair compensation and robust protection. 

The event will spotlight emerging trends and innovative strategies for rights management in the digital age, providing a comprehensive overview of how to navigate the evolving landscape.

This forum represents a crucial opportunity for stakeholders in the Nigerian film industry to engage with experts and learn about best practices for protecting their creative works in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.


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