Married or planning to; you must read this book! – “The beauty of Sex in Marriage.”

Eunice Orji’s book; “The Beauty of Sex in Marriage” should be required reading for every couple planning to get married because it breaks down two oft ignored topics, sex and marriage.

Marriage Experts and psychologists assert that the two biggest problems couples face in marriage are caused by – Sex and Money.

While money is a function of factors external to the marriage, sex is intrinsic because couples get married in order to be intimate and where intimacy is lacking many other problems creep in.

In this slim volume Eunice Orji tackles the sex problem head on.

Concentrating on sex between married couples, the author does not pull her punches.  Her writing is sharp, witty, insightful and bare-knuckle in its treatment of the subject matter. 

By presenting practical examples drawn from biology and phsycology as well as the bible she attempts to show couples how intimacy can become the glue that keeps couples together while ensuring a life of bliss.

This is a book that should be a required reading for all married and intending couples.

It will make you laugh, make you think, make you wonder but ultimately make you a better spouse.

To order or buy call +234 811 368 379

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