Jordan Peele, the celebrated filmmaker and mastermind behind groundbreaking horror films such as Get Out and Us, is set to unveil a thrilling new anthology that celebrates Black horror. Titled “Out There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horror,” this collection of spine-tingling tales is scheduled for release on October 3rd, and it’s generating considerable anticipation among horror aficionados. Published by Random House, this 400-page anthology promises to redefine the horror genre.
Peele personally curated this anthology, handpicking 19 Black authors to contribute all-new short horror stories. In addition to curating, he has penned the foreword, adding his unique touch to this chilling compilation. The anthology is already available for pre-order, and it’s gaining significant traction.
“Out There Screaming” is poised to challenge conventional notions of fear, offering stories that “prey on everything we think we know about our world.” As a preview, an excerpt from N. K. Jemisin’s story, “Reckless Eyeballing,” is available on the book’s Amazon page, showcasing the narrative qualities that have made Peele’s films so captivating.
The roster of talented authors featured in this anthology includes names like Nnedi Okorafor, N. K. Jemisin, and Tananarive Due, among others. Their stories promise to transport readers into gripping and thought-provoking narratives set in contemporary and surreal settings.
“Out There Screaming” will be available in various formats, including hardcover, Kindle, and audiobook. Notably, the anthology has already claimed the top spot on Amazon’s Black & African American Horror Fiction best-sellers list due to a surge in pre-orders.