Early bird registration for Durban FilmMart 2024 closes soon

Time is running out for intending participants to secure a spot at a discounted rate for the 15th edition of the Durban FilmMart (DFM), with early bird registration closing on May 31. 

This year’s event, taking place from July 19 to 22, promises to be a cornerstone gathering for the African film industry, drawing professionals from across the globe, according to the organisers.

As the landscape of film financing, production and distribution evolves, driven by the rise of streaming services and social media content creators, DFM stands at the forefront of these industry changes. The event offers unparalleled opportunities to explore innovative approaches to the business of film.

The theme for DFM 2024, “African Visions Unleashed: From Disruption to Accountability,” will address crucial topics such as social accountability, intellectual property rights, workplace equality and environmental sustainability in film production. Attendees will benefit from engaging panels, networking sessions and the chance to connect with financiers and producers.

Last year, DFM attracted participants from 43 countries and an audience of over 4,000, making it the largest gathering of film professionals on the African continent. 

This year’s edition is set to surpass these milestones, reflecting the growing global demand for authentic African narratives.

Register now to join the heart of the African film industry and capitalise on this unique opportunity. Visit Durban FilmMart’s official website: https://www.durbanfilmmart.com for more details and to secure your early bird registration before the deadline.


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