The long-awaited third installment of the Beverly Hills Cop franchise, “Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F,” brings a unique blend of...
Sony Pictures’ Bad Boys: Ride or Die has electrified the beleaguered summer box office with an impressive domestic opening of...
Netflix has officially greenlit a feature film adaptation of the hit series “Peaky Blinders,” with production set to begin later...
Kevin Costner’s ambitious Western epic, Horizon: An American Saga, premiered to overwhelming acclaim on Sunday, receiving a seven-minute standing ovation,...
Sharon Stone and Liam Neeson, alongside Stephen Fry and F. Murray Abraham, have rallied in support of Kevin Spacey, advocating...
In a night of glitz and glamour, the 10th Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards (AMVCA) celebrated excellence in television and...
Jordan Peele’s highly anticipated fourth film will debut in theatres on October 23, 2026, as announced by Universal Pictures on...
Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti, a biopic directed by Bolanle Austen-Peters, has shattered box office records in Nigeria and West Africa. The film,...
The much-anticipated prequel to the Mad Max series, Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, directed by George Miller, opened to disappointing...
Director John Krasinski’s fantasy-comedy IF had a modest opening weekend, earning $35 million at the box office, slightly below its...
Anya Taylor-Joy, known for her role in The Queen’s Gambit, takes on the challenging role of a younger Imperator Furiosa...
Susan Buckner, best known for her role as cheerleader Patty Simcox in the iconic film Grease, passed away on May...