Spike Lee has tapped rapper A$AP Rocky to headline his upcoming film “Highest 2 Lowest,” a provocative reinterpretation of Akira...
Tyler Perry has written, produced and directed a powerful tribute to an overlooked chapter of American military history, bringing the...
The highly anticipated sequel to the blockbuster hit Joker has experienced a mixed reception at the box office. While Joker:...
Hollywood is buzzing with excitement as Michael B. Jordan and director Ryan Coogler team up once again for “Sinners,” a...
Brady Corbet’s historical drama, The Brutalist, left a lasting impression at the Venice Film Festival on Sunday, receiving a 12-minute...
The highly anticipated thriller Tokunbo, directed by Ramsey Nouah, premiered at The Jewel Aeida in Lekki, Lagos on Sunday, August...
Released in July to mark Nobel laureate, Wole Soyinka's 90th birthday the documentary memorialises the house Soyinka lived in during his stint at the University of Ibadan. It was also the house from where he was arrested and to which he returned after 2 years in solitary confinement.
Ridley Scott’s highly anticipated sequel, “Gladiator II,” has stormed into the Oscar race following its first screening in Los Angeles,...
The world of entertainment mourns the loss of Dame Maggie Smith, a true icon of stage and screen, who passed...
The Lagos International Smartphone Film Festival (LISFF) wrapped up its two-day extravaganza at the Silverbird Galleria on September 13 in...
Justin Kurzel’s latest film, The Order, has ignited discussions about the portrayal of extremism on screen, per bbc.com. The intense...
Deadpool & Wolverine has shattered records and joined an elite club, crossing the $1 billion mark in global ticket sales...