Disney has released the first teaser trailer for its live-action adaptation of the beloved 1937 animated classic, “Snow White and...
Zac Efron was rushed to a hospital in Spain following what his representative described as a “minor swimming incident” at...
Marvel’s latest offering, Deadpool & Wolverine, is generating unprecedented buzz as early reactions from critics flood social media, per shortlist.com....
Durban, South Africa will host the Durban FilmMart (DFM) 2024, spotlighting the inaugural African Lab Showcase from July 19 to...
Disney and Pixar’s Inside Out 2 has achieved a remarkable milestone, becoming the first film of the year to surpass...
Inside Out 2 continues to dominate the North American box office, claiming the top spot for the second consecutive weekend...
Director James Cameron and stars Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana unveiled the title of the highly anticipated third installment in...
The 68th BFI London Film Festival has revealed that Piece by Piece, an innovative animated Lego biopic of Pharrell Williams,...
Longlegs, the latest horror film from director Osgood Perkins, has taken the box office by storm, setting new records and...
In a landmark move that reshapes the landscape of Hollywood, Paramount Global has agreed to merge with Skydance Media, per...
Nicolas Cage’s new movie, “Longlegs,” is shaping up to be one of the most intense horror films of the decade,...
Donald Sutherland, the influential actor known for his compelling performances across multiple decades, passed away at the age of 88,...