n a world that often feels rushed and disconnected, Nelson Mandela Gardens is a gentle reminder for us to pause, appreciate the beauty around us, and connect with our roots. It’s a place where time seems to stand still, allowing guests to savor each moment, much like fine wine.
The Lagos Review announces Sneak Peek, a series that provides a space...
Tall, hulking with a distinctive voice, he was a kind hearted gentle giant with a warm heart and genuine smile who lived to extend the boundaries of literature without seeking profit or self-aggrandizement. Nnorom was always reaching out, always welcoming, always hosting. Every visit to London was an opportunity to share and commune with Nnorom.
thelagosreview.ng is seeking insightful, poignant, detailed, and well-written essays in which the writer expresses his/her/their motive for relocation or migration and the effect of that movement on their craft.
They no longer make creative masters like the personable wonder simply called...
The glitz and glamour of Nollywood, Nigeria’s vibrant film industry, often mask a harsh reality for many of its actors. While some stars bask in fame and sometimes, even fortune,...
Though not well education, TB Joshua had the innate intelligence common to conmen. He could read and anticipate situations correctly, a point made by Paul Agomoh who was his second in command for many years. “He was a genius at making things happen the way he wanted,” Agomoh said in the BBC documentary.
Our literary essays are a showcase of exegeses, analyses, investigation, tributes, grand-standing,...
I have never given serious thought to how writers of crime and mafia novels fared with safety. The books were a delight for me—from Mario Puzo and Tom Clancy to...
I met Benjamin Zephaniah, once, in Lagos... He was tall, dreadlocked, animated and charming. His British accent had a tinge of the Caribbean twang and as a young poet and writer; it was as always a pleasure to meet a celebrated writer.
Jamie Foxx emerged from months of seclusion after facing a mysterious medical...
A Little Light Nthikeng Mohlele Fiction – Short Stories March 1, 2023 | 153 pages Jacana Media The eighth book by celebrated South African author Nthikeng Mohlele is a...