Apple Music announces the best album of all time

Apple has disclosed the top 10 albums from its list of the 100 greatest recordings of all time, per The selection, curated by Apple alongside music icons Nile Rodgers and Maggie Rogers, has generated buzz, especially with its unexpected top choice.

Apple’s Final 10

  1. Beyoncé – Lemonade (2016)

Beyoncé’s *Lemonade* claims the tenth spot, with Apple highlighting its comprehensive narrative and cultural impact. “Every second of Lemonade deserves to be studied and celebrated,” Apple declares. Zane Lowe adds, “It was the first time an artist of that magnitude took control of the narrative in such a powerful way.”

  1. Nirvana – Nevermind (1991)

Nirvana’s grunge masterpiece *Nevermind* ranks ninth, resonating deeply with rock fans. “It made everyone feel like we finally had a band that was ours,” says Lowe, capturing the album’s raw connection with its audience.

  1. Amy Winehouse – Back to Black (2006)

In eighth place, Amy Winehouse’s Back to Black is praised for its soulful depth. “Her voice felt like it came from another time,” notes Ebro Darden, while Rogers adds that Amy “took tradition and moved it forward.”

  1. Kendrick Lamar – good kid, m.A.A.d city (2012)

Kendrick Lamar’s poetic storytelling in good kid, m.A.A.d city secures the seventh spot. Dobro highlights Lamar’s unique contribution: “He delivered on a Black consciousness that you don’t always get in hip-hop.”

  1. Stevie Wonder – Songs in the Key of Life (1976)

Stevie Wonder’s Songs in the Key of Life sits at number six. “No matter what instrument he’s playing, he speaks with the same voice,” says Rodgers, emphasising the album’s timeless appeal.

  1. Frank Ocean – Blonde (2016)

Frank Ocean’s Blonde lands at number five. Lowe describes it as “music put on canvas,” praising its complexity and emotional depth.

  1. Prince – Purple Rain (1984)

Prince’s *Purple Rain* claims the fourth position. Dobro admires Prince’s multifaceted artistry: “He did his own art direction and fashion design. That was all him.”

  1. The Beatles – Abbey Road (1969)

The Beatles’ iconic *Abbey Road* takes third place. Rodgers reminisces, “The first song I learned to play on guitar was a Beatles song,” reflecting the band’s enduring influence.

  1. Michael Jackson – Thriller (1982)

Michael Jackson’s *Thriller* secures the second spot. Rodgers calls it “a seismic shift,” acknowledging its groundbreaking impact on music and culture.

The Number One Album

  1. Lauryn Hill – The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill (1998)

In a surprising twist, *The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill* tops the list. “This album resonates beyond its era,” says Lowe. Maggie Rogers adds, “To have Lauryn Hill at number one means a lot,” highlighting the album’s profound and lasting significance.

Apple’s top 10 list has sparked lively debates among music fans. While opinions vary, the conversation around these influential albums underscores the diverse and dynamic nature of music appreciation. What are your thoughts on Apple’s picks? The discussion continues as we digest these rankings and revisit these classic recordings.

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