The captivating story of a daring dinosaur named Smallasaurus has clinched the prestigious £10,000 Oscar’s Book Prize, per Titled When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth, the book, written by Sean Taylor and illustrated by Zehra Hicks, beat out four other contenders to claim the coveted award.
The book, which brings the prehistoric world to life, was praised by the jury for its engaging narrative and vibrant illustrations. Author Sean Taylor expressed his gratitude, saying he was “honoured” to win and commended his fellow nominees for their contribution to children’s literature.
Among the guests at the ceremony were comedian Katherine Ryan, her husband Bobby Kootstra, and singer Natalie Imbruglia. The event, held at The Ivy, West Street, celebrated not only the winner but also the power of storytelling.
Amazon, a supporter of the award, will donate copies of this year’s shortlist to schools and nurseries across the country. Lisa de Meyer, one of the award judges and Amazon UK Books Country Manager, praised the winning book, saying, “When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth truly is a memorable and page-turning picture book.”
Established in memory of James Ashton and Viveka Alvestrand’s son Oscar, the award celebrates the joy that picture books bring to young children.