4 days to Ake Festival 2020…watch on DSTV and Gotv

…you can follow the festival on DSTV (Channel 198) and Gotv (Channel 29)

Ake Arts and Book Festival returns on October 22, 2020 and will run till October 25, 2020.

This year, the festival will be online in keeping with the “new normal” in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic but it will feature heavy hitters in the world of literature, fashion, arts and music.

This year’s festival will proceed under the theme – “African Time” and Lola Shoneyin , Festival Director, provides some context.

“The theme for this year is African Time. In 1918, African nations were in the clutches of imperial forces that denigrated our stories, culture, history, language and belief systems. A century later, a new pandemic finds Africa struggling with the colonial hangover of poor leadership and a predatory global order. Africa must reject the old normal and seize the opportunity of the moment to recalibrate and break the cycle of betrayal by those elected to lead. This is our chance to shape Africa and define the continent of our dreams. It may have come later than expected but, for the children of Africa everywhere, this is African Time.”

At thelagosreview.ng we are particularly delighted and looking forward to two panels: “Esu is not Satan” and other entanglements: A new anthology of yoruba deities, featuring two of our co-founders Peju Akande and Toni Kan as well as “Music To Our Ears” Chronicling Nigeria’s Music, featuring another of our co-founder, Dami Ajayi as Chair.

The events are for 24 October 2020 from 16.30 to 17.40pm and 25 October 2020 from 12.45 -13.55 WAT respectively.

And here is a video from Ake festival year 2.

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