2020; We Are Here, Now What?

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2020.

Resolutions as you might have guessed are as old as consciousness.

A need to craft a better version of yourself that will engage the world differently.

So you labour through the discipline of reigning yourself in.

Eat healthier.
Quit drinking.
Read more.
Go skydiving.
Finish this article.

But resolutions, with its many-sided, convoluted expressions are usually top-heavy, making it really hard to get anything out of it.

So for the next few days, we will be dishing out down-to-earth, practical ways to get your sh**t together and get more out of the year.

Resolutions are awesome but they are in effect a non-combative method of getting things done.

It’s like thinking that cleaning a microphone everyday will help you with your goal of being a musician.

So stick with us as we unpack how to create a super-amazing year in a few easy steps.

Thank us later.

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