Haruki Murakami, one of the most celebrated and influential writers in the world, is 75. His novels, which blend realism...
Renowned authors Zadie Smith, Paul Murray and Naomi Klein are on the shortlist for the prestigious Writers’ Prize, previously known...
Nearly all the men and women in Obinna Udenwe's latest book, 'The Widow Who Died With Flowers in Her Mouth', are mad.
Foyles Book of the Year has announced the shortlist for its annual award, which covers three categories and represents Foyles...
Inspired by a celebrated court case, Smith’s dazzling historical novel combines deft writing and strenuous construction in a tale of...
Zadie Smith, the acclaimed author known for her distinctive storytelling, discusses her latest work, The Fraud, in a recent NPR...
Granta, the literary magazine known for publishing new writing, is launching a new series of paperbacks called “Best of Granta...