The Man Died, an adaptation of Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka’s prison memoirs, is making significant waves on the international film...
The University of Ibadan (UI) has announced the establishment of the Wole Soyinka Institute in honour of its distinguished alumnus,...
Released in July to mark Nobel laureate, Wole Soyinka's 90th birthday the documentary memorialises the house Soyinka lived in during his stint at the University of Ibadan. It was also the house from where he was arrested and to which he returned after 2 years in solitary confinement.
After garnering international acclaim in London, the highly anticipated film adaptation of Wole Soyinka’s prison memoir The Man Died is...
The Man Died, the film adaptation of Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka’s prison memoir, is set to captivate London audiences with...
The Poets in Nigeria (PIN) Initiative has announced an open call for poets to submit their works for the upcoming...
The feature film adaptation of Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka’s prison memoir, The Man Died, is making waves on the international...
The Swedish Academy has awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature to South Korean author Han Kang, recognising her “intense...
The Committee for Relevant Art (CORA), has announced the launch of #TheSOYINKA90Session as part of the 26th Lagos Book and...
Lagos is gearing up to host the 8th edition of the Quramo Festival of Words (QFest) from October 2nd to...
And it all seems to have come full circle. The town of Onitsha which was popular for market literature has caught the Nollywood bug. The most popular address on any movie jacket is 51 Iweka Road, Onitsha.
Yoruba Boy Running invites us to interrogate the culture and tradition of the Yoruba and their gods as we drink deep from the well of wisdom of these interesting and forward-looking people. It also shows us and reminds us of a part of the slave trade that is not often talked or written about.