Forty aspiring filmmakers celebrated their graduation from the KAP Film and Television Academy’s Advanced Filmmaking Masterclass on Monday, marking the...
Lagos is gearing up to host the 8th edition of the Quramo Festival of Words (QFest) from October 2nd to...
The documentary “Ebrohimie Road: A Museum of Memory” is set to make its grand debut this July, coinciding with the...
Lead City University, Ibadan, a leading private tertiary institution in the country, has served notice that the ace cinematographer, director...
Stories have been an integral part of human culture since the dawn of time. So, when veteran filmmaker Tunde Kelani...
First Bank of Nigeria Limited has announced its lead sponsorship of the movie titled Ayinla, which is billed to premiere...
St. Peter’s Cathedral Ake was brimful of joyful worshippers that Sunday morning in November 1994. It was not the there-is-fullness-of-joy-in-the-presence-of-God...
The life of famed Apala musician and enfant terrible of Yoruba music, Ayinla Omoniwura has been captured on film and...
The Lagos Fringe International Festival takes off on Tuesday, November 19 and will run through the 24th at various venues...