Teju Cole and Romeo Oriogun have captivated literary enthusiasts as their works secure spots among the finalists for the prestigious...
Teju Cole’s Tremor has secured a spot on Time’s prestigious list of 100 Must-Read Books of 2023. In this captivating...
Displaying the journalist's gift for interlocution, Lara led Teju Cole to speak about the long hiatus that spanned the release of his second novel, Open City and Tremor, his third.
Responding, Mr. Cole noted that "I procrastinated by making, like, six books in between Open City and Tremor. I think it was a search for form. When you work in fiction you just don't pick a form off the shelf."
Teju Cole’s latest novel, Tremor, delves into the complex interplay between art, history and identity, leaving readers to ponder the...