Award-winning actor Timini Egbuson and acclaimed filmmaker Kayode Kasum have joined forces to create “Reel Love,” a romantic drama set...
Fight scenes are never easy to film and Nollywood films have been criticised for opting for karate style fight unlike the Nigerian equivalent which involves a lot of grabbing and throwing, which is why it's called “gidigbo” (Yoruba traditional wrestling). Suspicion also toes this path, but it executes these scenes well as the fight sequences are well choreographed — just what you'd expect from an action film
Efa Iwara is set to star in the upcoming film “Finding Me.” This project, produced and directed by award-winning filmmaker...
The first look teaser for “The Bloom Boys” set for the big screen on April 28 shows action from actors...
Mama Drama is a beautiful story; it’s the story of a couple’s search for a baby. Those who are lucky to have children without any complication may not fully understand the agony of this young couple;