Romeo Oriogun has been named a finalist for the Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award. His critically acclaimed collection, The Gathering of...
Teju Cole and Romeo Oriogun have captivated literary enthusiasts as their works secure spots among the finalists for the prestigious...
In an exciting development for the world of literature, Griots Lounge Publishing Canada has joined forces with esteemed editors Nduka...
From the onset, Nomad, the Nigeria Prize for Literature-winning collection of over sixty poems by Romeo Oriogun, shows something striking,...
For the glamour, funfair and glitz on the night of Friday, October 14, when Romeo Oriogun won this year’s edition...
Romeo Oriogun has emerged winner of this year’s Nigeria Prize for Literature sponsored by the Nigeria LNG Limited worth $100,000....
NOMAD; Romeo Oriogun; Griots Lounge Publishing Nigeria (2021); 116 I have always wondered what could happen on the day the...
Congratulations are in order for Romeo Oriogun, whose book ‘Sacrament of Bodies’ was recently named a finalist for this year’s...