Teju Cole’s latest novel, Tremor, delves into the complex interplay between art, history and identity, leaving readers to ponder the...
In her newly released memoir, titled Leslie F*cking Jones: A Memoir, comedian Leslie Jones sheds light on the racial abuse...
Idris Elba has said that he stopped describing himself as a black actor when he realised it put him in...
Cast: Daniel Faraldo, Isak Férriz, Yolanda Sey. Director. Ramon Térmens . Writers. Daniel Faraldo, Ramon Térmens The opening scene of...
It seems like Merriam-Webster is changing its definition of “racism” after a young black woman, Kennedy Mitchum, emailed requesting the...
Racism is a burden every black person has to bear, and British-Nigerian actor, David Oyelowo in an emotional video, shares...
A video featuring UK residents and people of foreign heritage reciting an anti-racist poem has highlighted the crucial role immigrant...
Ever since Martin Scorsese claimed the Marvel Cinematic Universe was more like a theme park ride than cinema, the past...