Disney has postponed the release of fall blockbusters such as Marvel’s “Black Widow,” Steven Spielberg’s “West Side Story” and Kenneth...
Paramount Pictures has decided to move its Michael B. Jordan spy thriller “Tom Clancy’s Without Remorse” back nearly five months...
The 93rd Oscars aren’t until February, but the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is considering postponing the big...
The Venice Film Festival is forging ahead with preparations for the September 2-12 event despite coronavirus concerns, and ruling out...
Playwright and Nobel laureate Woke Soyinka, today sent out a missive conveying to establishments that have curated literary experiences around...
Every Netflix production, including Stranger Things season four, has shut down production after Trump declared a “national emergency” over coronavirus....
It’s now official: the Coachella and Stagecoach festivals have been postponed due to concerns over the coronavirus outbreak. Organizers Goldenvoice...